Director Credentials Renewal

To renew you Director Credential issued by Early Care and Education, complete the renewal application below and mail to Early Care and Education along with a check for $50.00. Checks are to be made out to Early Care and Education.

  • Note:
  • Your Credential Renewal Application and packet must be submitted 30 days prior to expiration. Once your renewal expires you will have to start over.
  • Early Care and Education's Director Credential Renewal is only available to individuals who received their credential through Early Care and Education.
  • The $50 renewal must be paid at the time of renewal.

Mail your application packet to:
Early Care and Education Training and Consulting
Attn: Lezlie
417 Oakbend Dr, Suite 390
Lewisville, TX 75067

Follow the instructions and include all documents. Your renewal will be denied if all documents are not submitted.

  • Please allow up to 30 days for your renewal to be processed. Renewals are reviewed first in, first out.
  • Early Care and Education and Tym Smith cannot be held responsible for a renewal that expires and was not sent in within 30 days resulting in a licensing issue.
  • Faxes and scanned applications WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED due to the size of the document.

Download the
Renewal Application

Renewal Guidelines

To be eligible for renewal, the following criteria must be met:

  1. You were designated as a director with Child Care Licensing for at least 12 months; or
  2. Have worked as an assistant director or administrator at a licensed center for at least 12 months; and
  3. You have stayed in compliance with all training and professional development with Child Care Licensing.
  4. You have maintained 30 hours of annual training each year;
  5. Your program was not placed on probation with Child Care Licensing over the last two years; and
  6. Your center has had no more than the following non-compliances over the past two years:
Number of children you are licensed for Maximum number of non-compliances to renew
0-50 children 5 non-compliances
50-100 children 7 non-compliances
100-200 children 9 non-compliances
over 200 children 10 non-compliances

The following documents MUST be mailed with the application for renewal:

  • Copy of all child care licensing inspections or investigations for the last two years or while you were the designated director, assistant director or administrator.
  • Report explaining any non-compliance, course of action taken for each non-compliance, and a plan on how you will maintain this standard in the future.
  • Summary of all training received over the last two years showing that you have stayed in compliance with minimum standards 746.1311 (maintain at least 30 hours of training each calendar year). Outline each training class with knowledge learned and how this was new knowledge was implemented into your program.
  • Copy of all training certificates received over last two years
  • Copy of your original director credential issued by Early Care and Education
  • A check for $50 made payable to "Early Care and Education"

Mail your packet to: Early Care and Education 417 Oakbend Dr, Suite 390 Lewisville, TX 75067


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